This April, for a second year, our congregation is conducting a special mission appeal. This year’s theme is FAITH IS ACTIVE and features stories from people who are connected to our congregation sharing how they experience God in their lives.
Each week our Sunday worship will include a video story from different members of our community. I’ll participate by tracking my bicycle miles and blogging about my own story as well! We’ll host a special Pacesetter’s brunch after worship on Sunday, April 14 further introducing the campaign and inviting initial gifts. Then on Sunday, May 5 we will welcome Bishop Paul Erickson for our Commitment Sunday celebrating the difference that God is making here. I invite you to join me in celebrating the many ways that FAITH IS ACTIVE!
Pastor John
To give online: Faith is Active
Note: Under the "Give Online" section select "Faith is Active Mission Appeal" in the drop-down menu.
To follow Pastor John's Faith is Active Blog: Blog
To view Faith is Active videos: Mission Stories