I’ve always taken pride in being a person undeterred by the weather. I think this goes back to at least my days as a Boy Scout, but it is probably even deeper in my DNA. I enjoy telling those who question my bicycling in the snow and rain that “there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing”. And yet…
This year Easter came and went, but wintry weather has stubbornly hung around. I rode my bike all of 1.5 miles on the first day of this adventure, and then parked it inside where it has remained as heavy rain, snow and generally raw, unpleasant conditions have prevailed. I just didn’t feel like getting soaked! Although I’m writing about faith as a verb, perhaps this action can mean more than heedlessly slogging through unpleasant conditions. Being adaptable is also an action with the capacity to teach and edify. How has adaptability informed your faith?